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Class 1 Aquascaping 3 entries 1 entrant Sponsor Jerry Jost First Aquascape 2 Derek Walker Second Aquascape 3 Derek Walker Third Aquascape 1 Derek Walker
Class 2 Novelty 2 entries 1 entrant Sponsor Bart Kraeger First Baseball Harold Walker Second Crypt Keeper Harold Walker
Class 3 Family 2 entries 2 entrants - 1 scratched Sponsor Klaus Bertich First Guppy Family Harold Walker
Class 4 Domestic and Fancy Egglayers 6 entries 4 entrants Sponsor Rick Jokerst First Goldfish Marc & Kathy Daly Second Longfin Rosy Barb Female Jim Miller Third Tetra Joe Gephart
Class 5 Domestic and Fancy Livebearers 7 entries 3 entrants Sponsor Philip Newell First Red Platy Harold Walker Second Poecilia reticulata Laura & Dave Wagner Third Female Koi Swordtail Derek Walker
Class 6 Guppies 2 entries 2 entrants Sponsor Gary McIlvaine First Red AOC Guppy Harold Walker Second Tiger Endler J oe Gephart
Class 7 Betta splendens 5 entries - 3 entrants Sponsor Derek Walker First Red Betta Harold Walker Second Male Betta Susie Amsden Third Male Betta Susie Amsden
Class 8 Wild Livebearers 8 entries 3 entrants Sponsor Bill Willingham First Orange fin Halfbeak pair Rick Tinklenberg Second Orange fin Halfbeak female Jim Miller Third Orange fine Halfbeak male Jim Miller
Class 9 Goodeids 3 entries 3 entrants Sponsor Jim Miller First Characodon audax Jim Miller Second Xenotoca variata Rick Tinklenberg Third Red tail Goodeid Laura & Dave Wagner
Class 10 New World Cichlids 4" and under 5 entries 4 entrants Sponsor Derek Walker First Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi Jim Miller Second Red Devil Laura & Dave Wagner Third German Blue Ram Joe Gephart
Class 11 New World Cichlids 4" and up 3 entries 3 entrants Sponsor Pat Tosie First Geophagus taeniopareius Ed Millinger Second Angelfish Rick Tinklenberg Third Red Shoulder Severum Joe Gephart
Class 12 Old World Cichlids - East African Lakes 5 entries 4 entrants Sponsor Midwest Cichlid Association Kansas City Chapter First Paralabidochromis sp. Fire Red Derek Walker Second Neolamprologus pulcher Laura & Dave Wagner Third Lamprologus brichardi Rick Smith
Class 13 Old World Cichlids - All Others 1 entry 1 entrant Sponsor W. T. Morgan First Pelmatochromis nigrofasciatus Rick Tinklenberg
Class 14 Discus 6 entries 2 entrants Sponsor North American Discus Association First Blue Diamond Discus John Stolhans Second Golden Discus Cory Koch Third Golden Discus Cory Koch
Class 15 Anabantoids 3 entries 2 entrants Sponsor H.A.A.S. Kansas City First Betta pulcher Jim Miller Second Sphaerichthys acrostoma female Derek Walker Third Sphaerichthys acrostoma male Derek Walker
Class 16 Characins 6 entries 4 entrants Sponsor Tony McMillan First Moenkhausia pitteri Philip Newell Second Red Blue Colombian Tetra Harold Walker Third Diamond Tetra Harold Walker
Class 17 Cyprinids 6 entries 4 entrants Sponsor Lisa Hollenbeck First Rasbora borapetensis Harold Walker Second Rasbora espei Tony McMillan Third Barbus arulius Jim Miller
Class 18 Armored Catfish 7 entries 3 entrants Sponsor Scott Bush First Corydoras sterbai Derek Walker Second Corydoras gossei Rick Tinklenberg Third Corydoras agassizi Ed Millinger
Class 19 Catfish, All Others 6 entries 4 entrants Sponsor Affton Muffler First Albino Bristlenose Charles Harrison Second Synodontis schoutedeni Jim Miller Third Synodontis eupterus Jim Miller
Class 20 Killies Old World 5 entries 2 entrants Sponsor Jack Heller First Aph. punctatum, Buong Bai Charles Harrison Second Madagascar Killie Rick Smith Third Madagascar Killie Rick Smith
Class 21 Killies New World 2 entries 1 entrant Sponsor Jim Thale First Rivulus xiphidius SFG, '04 Crique Blanche Charles Harrison Second Riv. hildebrandi Panama 04-02 Charles Harrison
Class 22 All Other Fish 2 entries 2 entrants Sponsor MASI First Telmatherina ladigesi Harold Walker Second Chlamydogobius eremius Philip Newell
Class 23 Aquatic Critters 2 entries 2 entrants Sponsor MASI First Rope fish Marc & Kathy Daly Second Red Cherry Shrimp Harold Walker
Class 24 True Aquatic Plants 2 entries 2 entrants Sponsor Marc & Kathy Daly First Anubias sp. Rick Smith Second Ozelot Sword Harold Walker
Class 25 Photography 3 entries 1 entrant Sponsor MASI First Pelvicachromis aff. Ocellatus Gary Lange Second Feeding Frenzy Gary Lange Third Melanotaenia parva group Gary Lange Class 26 Arts & Crafts 3 entries 2 entrants Sponsor Laura & Dave Wagner First Unknown Kathy Deutsch Second Unknown Kathy Deutsch Third Clay Fish Alex Wagner
Class 27 Collectibles 3 entries 3 entrants Sponsor Andy & Vickie Walker First Philatelic Cover w/fish Rick Tinklenberg Second World's Largest Can of Fish Food Rick Smith T hird Happy Fish Marc & Kathy Daly
Class 28 White Elephant 3 entries 3 entrants Sponsor MASI First Handdrawn Fish Picture Laura & Dave Wagner Second Serving Platter Harold Walker Third Glass Fish Laura & Dave Wagner
Best Junior Entry Clay Fish Alex Wagner
Reet Thomas Outstanding Livebearer Award and ALA Award Characodon audax Jim Miller
Ralph Wilhelm Outstanding Catfish Award Corydoras sterbai Derek Walker
Best Egglayer Rivulus xiphidius SFG, '04 Crique Blanche Charles Harrison
Best Cichlid and ACA Award Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi Jim Miller
Best Discus - NADA Award Blue Diamond Discus John Stolhans
Judges Award Red Male Betta Harold Walker
Best Fish in Show Pelmatochromis nigrofasciatus Rick Tinklenberg
Ralph Wilhelm Writer's Award Lake Victoria Travelogue Lawrence Kent `~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~` The 2009 New Auction & Show site: |
MASI Show Classes 2009A PFD of the Show Classes available here. 1. Aquascaping 2. Novelty 3. Domestic and Fancy Finned Egglayers 4. Domestic and Fancy Finned Swordtails and Platies 5. All Other Domestic and Fancy Finned Livebearers 6. Angels – all varieties Wild and Domestic 7. Discus – all varieties Wild and Domestic Classes 8 – 19 are for Naturally Occurring species, subspecies and locality variants. 8. Wild Livebearers (except Goodeids) 9. Goodeids 10. Cichlids – Central American 11. Cichlids – South American 12. Cichlids – Old World - Lakes Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria 13. Cichlids – All other Old World 14. Anabantoids 15. Characins – Hyphessobrycon 16. Characins – All others 17. Cyprinids – Barbs 18. Cyprinids – Danios and Rasboras 19. Sharks, Loaches, and Eels 20. Catfish – Armored Cats (Callichthyids) 21. Catfish – All other Catfish 22. Killies – Old World 23. Killies – New World 24. All Other Fish 25. Aquatic Critters 26. True Aquatic Plants 27. Photography 28. Arts & Crafts 29. Collectibles 30. White Elephant Collectible
We would like to thank those who have Sponsered our Show Classes 1. Aquascaping Sponsered By: Jerry Jost 2. Novelty Sponsered by: Open 3. Domestic and Fancy Finned Egglayers Sponsored By: Klaus Bertrich 4. Domestic and Fancy Finned Swordtails and Platies Sponsored By: Rick Jokerst 5. All Other Domestic and Fancy Finned Livebearers Sponsored By: Phillip Newell 6. Angels – all varieties Wild and Domestic Sponsored By: Gary McIlvaine 7. Discus – all varieties Wild and Domestic Sponsored By: North American Discus Association 8. Wild Livebearers (except Goodeids) Sponsored By: Bill Willingham 9. Goodeids Sponsored By: Jim Miller 10. Cichlids – Central American Sponsored By: Derek Walker 11. Cichlids – South American Sponsored By: Pat Tosie 12. Cichlids – Old World - Lakes Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria Sponsored By: HAAS (Kansas City) 13. Cichlids – All other Old World Sponsored by W.T. Morgan 14. Anabantoids Sponsored By: Open 15. Characins – Hyphessobrycon Sponsored By: Steve Edie 16. Characins – All others Sponsored By: Tony McMillan 17. Cyprinids – Barbs Sponsored By: Lisa Hollenbeck 18. Cyprinids – Danios and Rasboras Sponsored By: OPEN 19. Sharks, Loaches, and Eels Sponsored By: AFFTON MUFFLER 20. Catfish – Armored Cats (Callichthyids) Sponsored By: Scott Bush 21. Catfish – All other Catfish Sponsored By: Kathy Deutsch 22. Killies – Old World Sponsored By: Jack Heller 23. Killies – New World Sponsored By: Jim Thale 24. All Other Fish Sponsored By: OPEN 25. Aquatic Critters Sponsored By: Open 26. True Aquatic Plants Sponsored By: Kathy and Marc Daly 27. Photography Sponsored By: OPEN 28. Arts & Crafts Sponsored By: The Wagner’s 29. Collectibles Sponsored By: Andy and Vickie Walker 30. White Elephant Collectible Sponsored By: Open `~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ |
Greg Steeves
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Long time cichlid enthusiast Greg Steeves is perhaps best known for his interest in Lake Victoria, surrounding waterways, and the cichlid fauna contained therein. His interest in aquatics began early on living on the east coast of Canada along the Atlantic Ocean. His attention to Lake Victoria began in the early 90’s when Idi Amin was terrorizing the citizens of Uganda. At this time he fell into a collection of cichlids from Lake Victoria and the found his focal point in aquatics. Greg has been fortunate to be helped along by Dr. Les Kaufman who has become a mentor to him. In 2002 Greg moved to Texas where he resides with his wife Lee Ann, and children Karli, Stuart and Erin. He maintains a small breeding operation focused on haplochromine cichlids. Fish produced in his breeding room can be seen at public aquariums and hobbyists fish rooms around the world. He has written many articles on a variety of topics generally centered on the fauna of Lake Victoria. He has initiated the LVP (Lake Victoria Project) in his home club (www.hillcountrycichlidclub.com), and is Lake Victoria species coordinator in the CARES program. Greg is a moderator and contributor to the Cichlid Room Companion. When not playing in his fishroom, you can find Greg and Lee Ann attending cichlid shows and conventions or snorkeling, fish collecting and shooting video footage in some waterway. Cichlids have become a big part of Greg’s life. |
Ray Kingfish Lucas a hobbyist of 45 years maintaining 12 large aquariums and 2 outdoor ponds, Retired Delphi Harrison (GM) worker of 30 years. Member of many Local and International Aquarium Society's, Past President of the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs, Certified Judge with Northeast Aquarium Council and Federation of American Aquarium Society's, also a member of the Tropical Fish Hall of Fame. Ray's mentor is Paul Species (Guppies to Groupers) & Aquatic Maestro Series, TV Programs. Ray visits Paul at least 4 times a year. Ray has bred over 150 different species of fish and numerous aquatic Plants. He is also a Grandmaster Aquatic Horticulturist, Ray has also travel to Peru, South American to collect Tropical fish. Other Travels have been to some 240 Aquarium Society Events in the past 14 years since starting Kingfish Services an Educational Promotional Company. Ray has also visit InterZoo the world's largest Pet Show in Germany, while there visit Hobbyist and Factory's that make Pet Products, stopping by the UK to visit Aquarian Flake Food Headquarters and to spent time with Dr. Dave Ford, Dr. Peter Burgess, and many British Hobbyist. Besides the Love of Tropical Fish Ray spends a lot of time with his 4 grandchildren and loves the adventure of Nascar and Music. |
Charley Grimes
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I have been seriously keeping fish for 37 years. I currently have 100+ aquariums in my fishroom (with another 40 or 50 in my storage barn ). Additionally, I have 3 large yard ponds that I maintain for tropical fish in the warm months – about 5 ½ months here in Indianapolis.
In addition to culturing lots of live foods in my fishroom, I set up a 1000 gallon daphnia pool last summer. The daphnia pool was a fantastic success for about 2 months and then, thanks to my daughter's 13 'pet' ducks, was an impressive failure. This year will be a banner year for daphnia in my back yard. I maintain about 60 cichlid tanks- - African Rifts & Dwarf Cichlids, (mainly Apistos) with the rest mainly housing killies, rainbows, tetras & livebearers. Additionally, with the onset of warmer weather, I usually get NATIVE FISH FEVER and do quite a bit of collecting locally & thru the Southeastern U.S. In addition to collecting native fish, I have been to South America three times & once to Mexico. My other hobbies are photography & gardening. |
Pam Chin loves cichlids! She has been a tropical fish enthusiast for many years and cichlids are her passion. Along with her husband Gary, they are currently maintaining over 200 aquariums in their fish house filled with cichlids from Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi and Central America.
Pam is an Honorary Life Member of the Pacific Coast Cichlid Association (PCCA) and past editor of the PCCA's award winning publication; Cichlidae Communique. As well as a long time member of the American Cichlid Association and in the past has served as Secretary and Chairman for the Board of Trustees. Pam is an avid writer, her cichlid articles and "Ask Pam" column have been published in the Buntbarsche Bulletin, Cichlid News and aquarium societies from Australia to Sweden. She has received numerous writing awards from the ACA and FAAS, including "Best Continuing Column" and "Author of the Year." Pam is a founding member of "Babes In The Cichlid Hobby" where they try to make a difference in cichlid keeping, by raising money ($37,000.00+ to date) for cichlid research and cichlid conservation. Pam loves to travel especially with cichlid friends to fascinating places like Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika and Mexico to collect and observe cichlids in their natural habitats. Proudly sponsored by the ACA and ZooMed |
Pam Chin
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Karen Randall
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Karen Randall grew up with aquariums as a child. While experienced in many facets of the aquarium hobby, as an adult her focus turned to a concentration in planted display aquariums and the study and propagation of aquatic plants. Her articles and photography have been published in six languages in 9 countries. For many years she authored the monthly column, “Sunken Gardens” in Aquarium Fish Magazine. She is an internationally known speaker on aquarium subjects. Karen was editor of the AGA magazine, The Aquatic Gardener for 5 years and is now Technical Editor of the magazine. She has also served as a consultant on several major projects at public aquaria. Karen has traveled to South and Central America and Thailand as well as the southern part of the U.S. to study aquatic plants and biotopes in the wild. In Brazil she has assisted with Project Piaba, a conservation program in the Amazon centered on the aquarium fish trade. Karen started a program a number of years ago to put aquariums in many classrooms in the local public elementary school. Now, with elementary school well behind her own children, this program is still going strong. In 2003 she was awarded the Northeast Council of Aquarium Society’s Betty Mueller Award for her outreach work and other contributions to the aquarium hobby. |